Empowering Middle Managers with the Decision Tree
I first came across the Decision Tree model in Susan Scott’s Fierce Conversations, and it immediately struck me as a brilliantly simple way to delegate decision-making. I’ve since used it with leaders I coach and groups I train to help them think critically about who should make which decisions and at what level.
The Core Idea
Not all decisions carry the same weight. Some are low-risk and can be made independently, while others require consultation or final approval. By categorising decisions into four levels, leaders can empower their teams while keeping control of the most critical choices.
The Four Levels of the Decision Tree
Leaf Decisions
Everyday, low-risk decisions that can be made freely without consultation. Much like plucking a leaf from a tree, there’s little impact if one goes wrong.
Leaders should encourage their teams to make these decisions independently—no need to report back
Branch Decisions
These carry slightly more weight. If a branch is damaged, it will grow back, but it takes time. Managers making these decisions should take ownership but inform leadership afterward.
A simple guideline is: Make the call, act on it, and then let me know what you did and why.
Trunk Decisions
These are foundational decisions that could significantly impact the business. Like damaging the trunk of a tree, a poor choice here has lasting consequences.
For these, leaders should expect team members to develop a solution, consult with leadership, and gain approval before taking action.
Root Decisions
The roots keep the tree alive. These decisions affect the very future of the organisation and must be made by the most senior leaders—board members, business owners, or executives. While input from others is valuable, the final responsibility sits at the top.
A good way to frame this is: We’ll discuss it as a team, but ultimately, I (we) will make the final decision.
The Real Value of the Decision Tree
The power of the Decision Tree isn’t in producing a static document listing every possible decision and categorising them.
While mapping out a few key decisions with your team can be a useful exercise to introduce the concept, this is not its true value. This isn’t another form of RACI.
The real value comes from having a common language—a decision-making shortcut that makes delegation clearer and faster. It’s like when you go to the doctor with an illness: as soon as they diagnose it and give it a name, managing it becomes much easier.
Imagine a team conversation where someone asks, “Is this a branch decision or a trunk decision?”—in just a few words, everyone instantly understands the level of authority required, cutting through uncertainty and speeding up decision-making.
When leaders and teams use this language daily, decision-making becomes smoother, faster, and less stressful—freeing up senior leaders while empowering managers to take ownership with confidence.
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