Sarah Walker-Smith is the CEO of Ampa, the Chief Exec of Shakespeare Martineau, a Governor at Nottingham Trent University and holds a number of other key roles. She is also my first ever returning guest having first appeared on the show in December 2020 for episode 16. I said back then that I’d love to get Sarah back on the show, and I’m delighted that we’ve managed to make it happen.
This isn’t just a rerun of episode 16 though, it’s an incredibly rich episode in so many ways. We spent a lot of time talking about how to lead effectively in the current business climate and how we can prepare ourselves, and our teams, to respond to whatever un-planned and unforeseen events hit us next.
We spoke about really taking care of our teams to get the best from them in a hybrid working environment, and what it takes to become a Times Top 100 employer.
We then got into some super-tactical discussions around letting go of tasks that we should no longer be doing ourselves, and how to get the most from working with an Executive Assistant.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Ben’s Website:
Episode 16 – Sarah’s first appearance on the show.
Episode 75: Rowe Hoffer | Leadership lessons from a world-class Executive Assistant.
Guest Links:
Find Sarah on LinkedIn:
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