We’re kicking off season six with Adam Hickman, MD and co-founder of MedResQ. Adam started his career as an expedition guide and remote medic, leading groups in some of the remotest and more challenging corners of the world.
Adam’s ambition then naturally led him into management and leadership roles before he moved to Dubai as the Middle East Director for World Challenge Expeditions, part of the TUI group.
He then moved back to become Operations Director for UK adventure travel group Chameleon Worldwide, then specialising as a consultant in travel risk and crisis management. Then in 2018, he established Med ResQ which is where we pick up the story in this episode.
My conversation with Adam focussed on managing risk plus the challenges of moving from being a senior leader in a business to the Managing Director of one you own.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Guest Links:
Adam’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-hickman-frgs-208a341a/
MedResQ: https://medresq.com/
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