I was recently asked a question during one of my leadership training programmes and immediately realised it’s relevant to so many of us leaders.
So, if you have ever struggled to manage your energy and stay motivated, this article and video is for you.
But before we look for the best motivational strategies, we need to consider why our energy and motivation have dropped.
Leaders Are Humans Too
The first thing to understand is that leaders are humans, too.
Sometimes, we’re on an absolute high—feeling motivated, energised and in that beautiful flow state.
There will also be times when we find ourselves in the dark valleys—occasionally, things do feel like a struggle.
And that’s ok. It certainly happens to me.
Why Has Your Energy and Motivation Dropped?
I’ve got four possible reasons to share with you about why your energy and motivation may have dropped.
They may resonate, and of course, the reason for you might be something entirely different, but here they are:
1. Lack of Progress on Key Projects and Goals
You may not be seeing the progress that you expect and want on some of your key projects and goals.
The simple fix here, which I’m sure you’d recommend and suggest to someone in your team if they came to you with this challenge, is simply to break down that big project into smaller bite-sized chunks so you see the progress on those little mini sub-goals.
2. Energy Depletion
Your energy and motivation might have dropped because your energy has dropped!
You might just be tired. It may be that you need a break or a holiday. That could be a decent chunk of time, or it could be a long weekend or two to help re-energise you.
3. Need for Change
Have you been doing the same project or same job for a long period of time and you just need to mix things up a little bit?
You might need to find a new project to work on that will reinvigorate you. It might also mean it’s time for a new job or role within the same organisation or in a new organisation.
4. Not Playing to Your Strengths
You might be working on projects, tasks, or activities that don’t align with your strengths (learn more about how we define strengths here) and find them quite tiring or draining.
You could delegate specific jobs you’re doing to other people who might find them more energising, where it fits more with their skills, motivations and interests.
If that’s not possible, then you need to try a different approach to the same challenge.
For example, let’s say you’re in a role where relationship-building is key but that doesn’t come naturally to you and isn’t particularly energising.
But if you are energised by strategic thinking and are very strategically minded, then you could use that to your advantage.
You could focus on the key relationships you need to develop and maintain, taking a strategic approach and tackling the task that way.
It’s not suddenly going to make the task of relationship building for you 100% enjoyable, but it will make it just that little bit more energising.
Ready To Take The Next Step?
If you’re looking for a leadership development programme or short workshop, book a discovery call with me here.
To enquire or book me to speak at your next conference or event, email my PA, Lucy Davidson on lucy@ben-morton.com.
For 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring, join my waitlist here. I’ll let you know as soon as I have time in my diary to work with you.
Your coach,
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